Our Applications

Screens, Strainers & Filters

Fouling and scaling can be problematic in strainers. Strainers typically consist of a perforated or mesh screen that captures solid particles while allowing the fluid to pass through.

Fouling in strainers occurs when solid particles accumulate on the strainer screen, reducing its open area and causing flow restrictions. The fouling particles can include debris, sediment, organic matter, and other suspended solids present in the fluid. Over time, fouling can lead to increased pressure drop, reduced flow rates, and diminished strainer performance. It may also create an environment conducive to bacterial growth and biofilm formation.

Scaling in strainers can occur when the fluid being filtered contains dissolved minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, or silica, which can precipitate and form solid deposits on the strainer screen. Scaling reduces the effective screen opening, obstructs fluid flow, and increases pressure drop. It can lead to frequent cleaning or replacement of the strainer element and impact the overall process efficiency.

Factors contributing to fouling and scaling in strainers include:

The composition of the fluid being filtered plays a significant role. Fluids with high levels of suspended solids, organic matter, or dissolved minerals are more likely to cause fouling and scaling in strainers.

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